Recreational cannabis use is on the rise. Gone are the days when you had to search for someone to provide you with a baggie of bud. Most states have legalized medical marijuana, although you'll still need a prescription for a medical practitioner. Many states have also taken the step to legalize marijuana for recreational use. However, you'll need to purchase that from a licensed recreational dispensary, as well. If you're ready to start purchasing recreational marijuana, here are some tips that will help when you head to the dispensary.
1. Be Prepared for the Security
When you visit your local dispensary for the first time, be prepared for the heightened security. Marijuana sales is big business now, which means dispensaries require security to protect the assets inside the building. Don't be surprised if you're met by armed guards when you enter the dispensary. You'll also be recorded on the surveillance cameras from the moment you step onto the property. As added security, you'll need to provide your drivers license or state-issued government ID card. Without that, you won't be able to make your purchase. You'll also need to remember to leave your phone in the car or at home. You won't be allowed in to the dispensary if you have a cell phone in your possession.
2. Take Your Time to Browse the Menu
If you think you'll be purchasing a random bag of bud when you visit the dispensary, you're mistaken. You'll find a wide variety of strains to choose from, which means you'll need to take your time before you make your purchase. If you don't know what you want when you walk into the dispensary, you'll be provided with a menu to look over. Don't be afraid to take your time browsing the menu. The menu is designed to help you understand the differences between the various strains.
3. Don't Try to Pay With Plastic
If you're used to making your purchases with plastic, you'll need to change your habits for your bud purchases. Dispensaries are strictly cash ventures, which means your local dispensary won't take your credit or debit cards. To avoid hassles and embarrassment, stop by an ATM before you visit the dispensary.
4. Get Home Before You Partake
You may be excited to sample your purchases before you get home. However, that's one of the biggest mistakes you can make, especially if you're trying a new strain. Your reaction may be different to each strain of cannabis, which means you shouldn't be on the road after sampling your selections. Not only that, but public use of cannabis is still prohibited in most states, which means you could end up facing legal problems.