Thinking About Applying For A Concealed Carry Permit For Your Handgun? 4 Things You Should Do To Ensure Your Safety

With so much violence in the news lately, it's understandable that you'd want to protect yourself. It's also understandable that you'd want to exercise your 2nd Amendment right to own a firearm. Owning a firearm, and knowing how to use it, is an excellent way to protect yourself from harm. If you've decided to take it one step further, and apply for a concealed carry permit, there's a few things you'll need to do to ensure your safety.

Get Comfortable With Your Weapon

If you've only recently purchased your first handgun, it's important that you get comfortable with it before you apply for a concealed carry permit. Being comfortable with your weapon will help you avoid unfortunate mistakes that can have deadly consequences. One way to get comfortable with your weapon is to take a basic handgun safety class. This course is not required in every state, however, it's an important part of handgun ownership.

Be Prepared to Use It

If you're going to purchase a handgun for personal protection, the time may come when you're called upon to use it. Before you apply for your concealed carry permit, make sure you're prepared to use your handgun, should the need arise. Carrying a handgun that you might not be prepared to use, could leave you in a situation where the criminal is able to disarm you. If that happens, the criminal now has a weapon that they can use on you, and on others. To protect yourself and others, don't apply for a concealed carry permit until you're prepared to use your weapon in an emergency.

Take Advanced Training Courses

Your basic gun safety class will teach the bare minimum you need to know to handle your weapon safely. However, if you're going to apply for a concealed carry permit, plan on taking an advanced training course. An advanced training course will introduce you to real-world training. You'll be able to practice on moving targets, while moving through doorways and other obstacles. One of the benefits of advanced training courses is that they teach you how to identify, and react to, potential targets and innocent bystanders.

Know the Laws Before You Travel

Once you have your concealed carry permit, you'll be cleared to carry your handgun within the state where you reside. However, before you travel to another state, you'll need to investigate their concealed carry laws. Not all states have concealed carry laws, nor do all states allow reciprocity of concealed carry rights. That means that if you carry your handgun in a state that does not honor your concealed carry permit, you could find yourself facing criminal charges.

About Me

Spending Time With Your Kids Outside

Before I had kids, I always wanted to be fun and energetic. Unfortunately, after years of attending college and sitting still, I realized that I had gained a tremendous amount of weight. I wanted to start participating in recreational activities and sports, so I started participating in local events that centered around outdoor activity. It was a little difficult at first, but after a few weeks it was incredible to see the difference that my efforts had made. I was spending more time with the kids, having a blast, and really enjoying my time away from work. Check out this blog for more information on recreation and sports.


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